The Appointment

Prior to the Appointment

Please ensure you advise Esther of any health related issues your horse may be experiencing prior the appointment.Please ask your Veterinarian for permission.In accordance with the Veterinary Act, Veterinary consent is required prior to any treatment to your horse. Therefore you will be asked to seek your Veterinarian’s permission prior to any treatment commencing. You can contact your vet by phone and prior to treatment sign the disclaimer to confirm this or alternatively Esther can provide a disclaimer form for your Veterinarian to complete.If any concerns should arise during the assessment stage or prior to treatment, treatment may be declined; in such cases Esther will recommend you seek your Veterinarian’s advice first.Please ensure your horse is dry and reasonably clean/groomed in order for treatment to take place.

The Appointment

Esther will discuss your horse’s history and any presenting problems and assess your horse for any heat, swelling, ossifications etc. She will then assess his/her conformation and analyse his/her gait to see if anything is highlighted here that could potentially cause any discomfort either now or in the future. Photos may be taken throughout this assessment period in order for the findings to be analysed in greater detail. Esther is able to offer a tack assessment (saddle, bridle & bit) to establish possible causes of muscular tension in addition to the basic assessment and treatment. All findings will be discussed with the owner/handler at the time. A rider assessment, to assess the rider’s balance & posture and resulting impact on the horse’s muscular system, can also be done on request.

A full body massage then takes place (unless a specific massage routine has been requested or is indicated), provided no contraindications have been discovered during the initial stages. Esther will highlight any areas of tension or muscular spasm with the owner/handler as they arise and if requested explain the techniques used and how they can help. Once the full body massage is complete passive stretches can/will be performed.

Finally Esther will summarise her findings and discuss aftercare advice. Her work will be recorded and retained in a secure environment under the Data Protection Act 1998. A follow Up appointment will then be offered/made.

The Initial Consultation takes about 1-2hrs.

Terms and Conditions:
1. Veterinarian’s permission is required prior to any treatment commencing. If any concerns arise during the assessment stage or prior to treatment, treatment may be declined; in such cases Esther will recommend you seek your Veterinarian’s advice first. 
2. Treatment is entirely at their owner’s risk
3. Animals with infections or contagious conditions will not be treated. 
4. Owners are required to notify HET if, during a course of treatments, the animal’s injury or condition worsens, or if the veterinary surgeon advises that treatment is stopped or suspended 
5. HET reserves the right to refuse treatment to any animal. 
6. HET may request to use video footage and photographic stills taken during treatment sessions for publication. 
7. HET does not take any responsibility for any accident/injury sustained by the animal’s owner whilst the animal is undergoing massage treatment. 
8. HET has adequate public liability and malpractice insurance cover. 
9. Payment will be required upon completion of treatment.
10. Cancellations - 24 hours notice for any cancellations or full fee will be charged.
11. Please ensure your horse is dry and clean for treatment to be possible. If unable to treat the horse due to muddy or wet conditions, again the full treatment fee will be charged.